Happy new year everyone! 2012! Can u believe it? I have just made it one of my new year's resolutions to start blogging again, as I had reason to look at my blog the other day and it made me smile to look back at the picture's of my kid's and see how much they have grown, the time flies by so past and in this digital age I for one find that I don't print my pictures but instead leave them sitting forlornly on a disc which is just so sad, so it is nice to look back and see how much they have grown. I also have to admit that I was shocked to notice that my last post was WAY back then in 2010! alot has happened since then, My Dad passed away in May 2010 and that made me feel very depressed and not in the mood to share my thoughts with anyone, also with the recession the past couple of year's have been tough, not so much money around, little or no work to be found and living on a very tight budget, so I am going to also use my blog as a tool to plan my weekly menus and add some new recipes, it's always a handy place to keep things!
My son Seán was 5 on the 8th of Jan this year but his best friend was also 5 the day before and held his party that weekend, so I decided then that we would have ours the following weekend and so we did, Seán was in his element and had a great time, he was so happy to have all of his friends at his house and delighted with all of his pressies! My sister also brought us this great drinks fountain at Christmas as an extra present and it was a great addition, the kids loved it, we also dug out our chocolate fountain which we got a few years ago but it is always a great success! They all had a great time anyway so that's what counts!
What a fab party !!! Hope all is well with you x