I Was Saddened to hear about the death of Michael Jackson at the early age of only 50, I used to love Michael Jackson in my younger Days when Thriller was high in the charts (showing my age now!!) In later years I was on the wall as to whatever he was guilty of the crimes people accused him of or not, still cant make my mind up however I think he had such a hard life and was definitely misunderstood, but no matter what any of us thought of him there is no doubt that he was indeed a Legend, I hope that he finally has some peace now. It is hard for me to pick a favourite song of his, I did like all of his music, I tried to get a video of one of his songs from you tube, but they are all disabled by request :( so I will leave you with this little known song called P.Y.T it was a big hit in the U.S the year that it was released, I was on holidays in Boston with my Mum and my Siter and all the kids over there were singing it, and looking at this video, boy could he dance! I was also saddened to hear about the death of Farrah Fawcett, one of the original Charlies Angels, (she is the blonde one for anyone who wouldn't know) one of my favourite shows when I was younger, God Bless Them Both
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